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te issue 1:  The Lost Society 失落的协会

18.5 × 26 cm
160 p
Chinese, English
Offset printing, thread-bound
ISBN 978-1-7368389-8-3
First published in 2021

Contributors:  Mary-Jean Chan, Cao Yu, Cooking Sections, Tang Han & Zhou Xiaopeng, Wolfgang Tillmans, Felix Ho Yuen Chan, Yia Vang, Alvin Luong, Ye Wuji, Elia Nurvista, Gu Tao
Designer: Can Yang

Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council
Beijing Contemporary Art Foundation


There cannot be more possibilities and layers of complexity embodied in food throughout human development. On one hand, it constructed a system that assembles taste, cultural memory and historical movements; on the other hand, the correlation between food and geography provides a hidden motivation to examine human behaviours and social transformation. This inaugural issue of te magazine adopts Ye Wuji's “The Lost Society” as the central theme. The term “lost” means ephemeral silence and enfeeblement rather than disappearance and extinction. This means that many cultures only dissipate temporarily, and some are metamorphosed. Food happens to witness this transition, and the word “society” refers to a collective destiny. In this issue, we invited 13 creative practitioners of different disciplines — to bring in and reflect upon their respective expertise, knowledge system and research trajectories from and in anthropology, sociology, and contemporary art—to explore food as a multi-faceted intricacy, at the same time reconstruct the relationship between food and geography.

©2025 te editions