te magazine

te magazine is an annual bilingual publication of contemporary art and cultural anthropology. Each issue expands on a specific theme, and we invite practitioners in diverse fields to explore and reflect on the dynamic cultural landscapes across regions. Recurring motifs include the fluidity of cultures, languages and beliefs in specific communities and the adaptation of individual narratives to the shifting social and geopolitical environment.

te magazine aims to create an open creative platform. The form of our content ranges from essays and interviews to poetry, photography and more. We also publish manuscripts, personal notes, archival records and other primary sources that complement and animate the authors’ reflections. We’d like to see the content te shares with its readers as extending from the professional and creative practices of our contributors in their respective fields; at the same time, we are excited about generating new forms of content through the cross-pollination of ideas, perspectives and approaches inherent in our editorial process.



©2024  te editions